










發表在2001年4月號的婦產科學期刊(Obstetrics and Gynecology)的一項研究顯示,生薑可能有助於減輕懷孕初期反胃和嘔吐的現象。研究人員讓32位孕婦連續4天每天服用含有1克薑的濃縮生薑膠囊補充劑後,與35位服用安慰劑的婦女相比較,發現確實比較不容易出現反胃的感覺,嘔吐的次數也較少。 早先的研究發現,生薑可以減少暈車時及手術後的反胃現象,這次的研究則顯示,它對孕婦似乎也有相同的功效。不過研究人員強調,在推薦生薑治療害喜之前,顯然還需要做些大型的研究,找出孕婦服用生薑是否會引起罕見的副作用。雖然生薑似乎不會對母親或嬰兒造成任何副作用,但研究人員認為,這項發現還需要更多的研究來加以證實。

Ginger Reduces Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) Apr 11 - Ginger 1 g per day significantly reduces the severity of the nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, report investigators in Thailand. Dr. Teraporn Vutyavanich and colleagues, of Chiang Mai University, randomly assigned 32 women attending an antenatal clinic to treatment with ginger, and 35 to placebo. The ginger, prepared by baking fresh ginger root and grinding it to a powder, was administered in 250-mg capsules q.i.d. Outcomes are reported in the April issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology. After 4 days of treatment, nausea scores based on a 10-cm visual analog scale decreased by a median of 3.4 in the ginger-treated group and 1.5 in the placebo-treated group, a significant difference. At the 1-week followup visit, 87.5% of those treated with ginger reported symptom improvement, compared with 28.6% of the control subjects. During the day before treatment began, 100% of those in the ginger group and 94.3% in the placebo group had vomited at least once. After 4 days, 37.5% in the treatment group had vomited, compared with 65.7% in the placebo group. Adverse effects — one case each of abdominal discomfort, heartburn, and diarrhea in the ginger group — were minor and did not prevent subjects from continuing the treatment regimen. No significant differences were observed in spontaneous abortions, term deliveries, or cesarean deliveries. There were no cases of congenital anomalies. Obstet Gynecol 2001;97:577-582.

Ginger reduces motion sickness May 27, 2000 Reuters, New York

Ginger is effective in reducing nausea due to motion sickness, according to researchers at the Digestive Disease Week meetings here. Ginger is a Chinese herbal remedy that has been traditionally used to reduce nausea. For the first time, Dr. Wei Ming Sun and colleagues, from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, have conducted a study that proves ginger's effectiveness in relieving motion sickness symptoms.

Seven healthy people, aged 18 to 35 years, had motion sickness artificially induced, by being spun in a large drum 30 minutes after eating a meal. Study participants were given either 1,000 milligrams of ginger powder or a placebo (inactive) pill one hour before motion sickness was induced.

Nausea scores during the drum rotation, rated on a scale of 1 to 3, were significantly lower for study participants who were given the ginger powder than for 'controls' given the placebo. The average ginger group score was 1.0, whereas the placebo group average was 2.5, the researchers report. Nausea scores after the cessation of the drum rotation, rated on a scale of 1 to 10, were 7.8 for the placebo group versus 1.5 for the ginger group. Those who took ginger experienced a greater delay in developing nausea than did the controls, 11.4 minutes in contrast to 4.6 minutes, Sun's group noted.

The investigators also measured the electrical activity of the stomach and found that ginger kept the rate of stomach contractions normal during drum rotation. In contrast, the placebo group experienced a 7% increase in stomach contractions. According to the authors, anti-motion sickness medications have significant side effects, such as dizziness and dry mouth. ''Ginger appears to be an effective herbal alternative to the medications,'' Sun told Reuters.




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